Travelling In San Luis

Tourist information of San Luis

San Luis is situated in the Cuyo region, on the foot of the mountain range in one top called “Punta de Los Venados”, for that reason their inhabitants are called “puntanos”.
San Luis was founded in on August, 25th in 1594 and was rebuilt in 1632. The first name was “San Luis de Loyola Nueva Medina del Río Seco” in honor to San Luis King of France, to Don Martín García Oñez de Loyola, Capitan of Chile and in commemoration of inhabitants of the area where the founder was native, in Valladolid, Spain.
San Luis preserves the traditional appearance of the Mediterranean cities of the XIX century: quiet life, old colonial houses with wide patios; but linked with modern building situated in the commercial area. One of the most outstanding attractions is the “Sierra de las Quijadas National Park”, a real natural shrine of a great importance in archeology, paleontology and geology.

Day Tours In San Luis

Cache Updated: 26/07/2024 22:32:59

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