Travelling In San Juan

Tourist information of San Juan

San Juan was founded in 1562 in the Tucuna Valley, a region which was founded by the Huarpes natives. After the earthquake in 1944 San Juan was totally rebuilt. It has wide avenues, antiseismic buildings, many parks and public strolls.
In winter, during July and August, San Juan offers a magnificent framework of a beautiful sight: the snow. When snow appears, everything changes. There is a natural transformation that shock the spectator: thaw.
While the thaw happens, the water starts to run and floods through the dunes mainly throw the Jachal and San Juan rivers.
San Juan, situated on the foot of the Mountain Range, offers a wonderful view of the mountain landscape, contribute with the valleys beauties which makes this province one of the most attractive for the tourists.
Do not miss the Ischigualasto Local Park “Valle de la Luna” or (Moon Valley) !

Travel Packages In San Juan

Day Tours In San Juan

Transfers In San Juan

Cache Updated: 26/07/2024 22:09:52

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