The adventure begins in the town of Esquel, where we meet up and board our 4x4 vehicles. We begin the transfer to Villa Futalaufquen, a journey that takes us through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the region, including part of the great Los Alerces National Park.
Upon entering a private ranch, we head toward our final destination: Cerro La Torta. During the ascent in the 4x4s, we follow the old tracks of carts that once carried firewood from the forest. As we continue, we pass through lenga forests, cross mountain streams and enjoy increasingly beautiful views of the National Park and Laguna Larga.
After about an hour of climbing by vehicle, we reach the highest point where there is still forest. Here, we leave the vehicles and prepare for the next phase of our adventure: a trek along the Irigoyen Stream. The landscape around us is impressive, with a feeling of total peace that only this place can provide.
The trek lasts about an hour and takes us through natural scenery until we reach a spectacular waterfall. Just below the waterfall, we find the long-awaited and incredible ice tunnels, a natural wonder. We will walk around inside and take pictures.
After exploring the ice tunnels and enjoying the surroundings, we begin our descent, returning to the vehicles and heading back to Esquel.