The Lago Agrio canton is also known as Nueva Loja, it is the capital of the province and is the epicenter of the country`s oil exploitation. Along the banks of the Aguarico River, beautiful beaches are formed where sporting and artistic events take place, especially on weekends and during local festivities.

It offers a tropical (humid) climate with temperatures ranging between 37 to 39 degrees Celsius and maximum rainfall in summer. This climate allows an equatorial jungle vegetation, characteristic of the Amazon.

It is formed by tree species such as guarumo, papayuelo, goosebumps, higuerón, monkey comb, rubber tree, mountain avocado, palms like the striped pambil, ferns and giant ficus.

It is the habitat of the river croaker, small mouth, river catfish, guanchiche, piranha, rays, water turtles and a large number of invertebrates that are part of the plankton.

It is bathed by countless rivers in which the Aguarico River, El Eno, El Conejo, El Dureno, El Teteye, etc. stand out.

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