In Salinas del Almirón you will have an unforgettable stay to disconnect from the routine, and spend a day with your loved ones.
From 3:00 pm you can enter your room, check-in at the hotel reception. Salinas del Almirón is a 5-star Resort with facilities that will allow you to have a phenomenal stay. You will also have a type of service that gives you access to its swimming pools, courts, restaurant, and recreational activities and all meals included.
For your entertainment and relaxation you will have at your disposal, outdoor thermal pools at room temperature , and indoor thermal pool at 36 ° of salt water , will give you relaxing and healthy properties for your skin. You can join the activities that you like the most, either for children, adolescents, or enter the recreation rooms, gym, sauna or even go for a bike ride .
The Resort rooms have maximum comfort with LCD TV, minibar, safe, air conditioning, private bathroom with amenities, hair dryer and even bathrobe.
Restaurant hours:
Breakfast: 07 to 10:30 am
Lunch: 12:30 to 15:00
Snack: 16:00 to 19:30
Dinner: 20:30 to 23:00
After having spent the night at the Resort, you will have breakfast included and you can check-out at the hotel reception until 11:00 am.