Departing from Puerto Yungay**:
Departing from Puerto Yungay, after 2 hours of navigation, we will access Caleta Tortel, with a 1 hour stopover, to allow the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers and cargo. In this town there are no streets (only pedestrian bridges), so it is not possible to disembark with vehicles.
After 12 hours of navigation and crossing the English Narrowness, you will reach Puerto Eden, a small town that is home to the last descendants of the Kaweskar culture. In this port, a 2-hour stopover for loading and unloading is made, which allows you to walk through its traditional wooden corridors. Neither is it possible to disembark vehicles, since there are no streets.
After 27 hours of navigation from Puerto Edén and 44 hours from the departure at Puerto Yungay, and after passing through Angostura el Kirke, you arrive at Puerto Natales, a city located 250 km north of Punta Arenas, capital of the region of Magallanes, by land, through Route 9.
Departing from Puerto Natales:
In the inverse sense, you depart from Puerto Natales with stops in Puerto Edén and Caleta Tortel, with two hour and one hour stops, respectively. Each week the ship travels approximately 770 kilometers in each direction, that is, 415 nautical miles, which will connect the two regions in approximately 44 hours.
It is a 41-hour trip in which the Crux Australis ferry will pass by beautiful postcards of the Patagonian channels, which you will be able to enjoy during the entire trip.