Travelling In El Bolson

Tourist information of El Bolson

El Bolsón is situated in a valley of the Andes Mountain Range, on the border with Chile. It has a population of 18,000 inhabitants and is located in the Southwest of Río Negro province.
It holds a wide variety of services, for that reason is the entrance door to the “Andean Region” of the parallel 42º. It contains: Lago Puelo, El Manso, El Maitén, Cholila, El Hoyo and Epuyen.
The geographic shape of this valley communicates a warm feeling. Besides, its people are very friendly and kind, and are ready to received the visitors with the best intentions. The tourists can meet the best places, taste delicious local product and get in touch with the village idiosyncrasy. Its main activity is the production of jams, beer, craft-works, organic cultivations and tourism. El Bolsón was declared “NO NUCLEAR AREA”, “IN FAVOR OF LIFE AREA” and “ECOLOGICAL TOWN”.

Day Tours In El Bolson

Transfers In El Bolson

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