- Service - General - Currency e
- Service - Wellness - Massage
- Service - Food & Drink - Resta
- Service - Food & Drink - Room
- Amenity - Safety & Security -
- Service - Cleaning services -
- Service - Cleaning services -
- Amenity - Transportation & Par
- Amenity - General - Non-smokin
- Amenity - Heating, Ventilation
- Amenity - Business Features -
- Amenity - Cleaning services -
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Break
- Amenity - Room Amenities - Out
- Amenity - Outdoor features & V
- Amenity - Outdoor features & V
- Service - Cleaning services -
- Amenity - General - Designated
- Amenity - Activities - Darts
- Amenity - General - Viproom fa
- Amenity - General - Bridal Sui
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Packe
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Speci
- Amenity - Wellness - Public ba
- Amenity - Electronics & Entert
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Kid m
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Wine/
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Bottl
- Amenity - Food & Drink - Fruit
- Amenity - Wellness - Beauty Se
- Amenity - Wellness - Yoga clas
- Service - Transportation & Par
- Amenity - Activities - Tempora
- Amenity - Activities - Pub cra
- Amenity - Electronics & Entert
- Amenity - Activities - Walking
- Amenity - Activities - Bike to
- Amenity - Activities - Themed
- Amenity - Activities - Tour or
- Amenity - Activities - Cooking
- Amenity - Electronics & Entert
- Service - Wellness - Back mass
- Service - Wellness - Neck mass
- Service - Wellness - Foot mass
- Service - Transportation & Par
- Service - Wellness - Couples m
- Service - Wellness - Head mass
- Service - Wellness - Hand mass
- Service - Wellness - Full body
- Service - Wellness - Facial tr
- Service - Wellness - Waxing se
- Service - Wellness - Make up s
- Service - Wellness - Hair trea
- Service - Wellness - Manicure
- Service - Wellness - Pedicure
- Service - Wellness - Hair cut
- Service - Wellness - Hair colo
- Service - Wellness - Hair styl
- Service - Wellness - Body Trea
- Service - Wellness - Body scru
- Service - Wellness - Body wrap
- Service - Wellness - Light the
- Service - Transportation & Par