Pleasure Buenos Aires

*** Corrected dates ***
The tour guides and drivers were outstanding for our tours at Iguazu Falls (March 27) and Buenos Aires (March 28)! The perfect itinerary giving us exactly what we were looking for, lead by very impressive tour guides. Additional thanks for selecting the very comfortable hotels that were in a perfect location. We also enjoyed the peace of mind that the driver in Buenos Aires gave us when taking us from and to the airport safely. We are having the pleasure of speaking to our family and friends of a perfect way of experiencing Argentina by booking through Tangol. Thank you for the wonderful experience and taking care of all details including the tour guides, drivers, flights and incredible hotels.
Bill and Mary Brown
Pleasure Buenos Aires

The tour guides and drivers were outstanding for our tours at Iguazu Falls (April 27) and Buenos Aires (April 28)! Perfect itinerary giving us exactly what we were looking for lead by very impressive tour guides. Additional thanks for selecting the very comfortable hotels that were in a perfect location. We also enjoyed the piece of mine that the driver in Buenos Aires gave us when taking us from and to the airport safely. We are having the pleasure of speaking to our family and friends of a perfect way of experiencing Argentina by booking through Tangol. Thank you for the wonderful experience and taking care of all details including for the tour guides, drivers, flights and incredible hotels.
Bill and Mary Brown
Incredible day in Buenos Aires

if you are traveling to Buenos Aires you shouldn´t miss the tour Private Tour Buenos Aires City. It is a unique experience!
Dia incrível em Buenos Aires

Se você vai viajar para Buenos Aires não perca o passeio City Tour Privativo Por Buenos Aires. É uma experiência única!
visite de la ville à Buenos Aires

Nous voulions écrire spécialement pour féliciter le guide Santiago pour la passion et la force avec lesquelles il a transmis toutes ses connaissances de la ville. Un plaisir de l'avoir rencontré et, avec lui, dans la ville de Buenos Aires. Merci beaucoup
Stadtrundfahrt in Buenos Aires

Wir wollten besonders schreiben, um dem Reiseführer Santiago zu gratulieren, mit welcher Leidenschaft und Stärke er sein gesamtes Wissen über die Stadt vermittelt hat. Es war mir eine Freude, ihn und zusammen mit ihm die Stadt Buenos Aires kennenzulernen. Vielen Dank
city tour en Buenos Aires

Queríamos escribir especialmente para felicitar al guía Santiago por la pasión y la fuerza con la que nos transmitió todo su conocimiento de la ciudad. Un gusto haberlo conocido y, junto a el, a la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Muchas graciasss
excursies Buenos Aires

Goede excursies gehad, van te voren goed geholpen. Alles prima voor elkaar!!