Impressive Museums in Paracas, Peru

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  Tangol 28/05/2018

Paracas Visitors, like to observe different ecosystems, archaeological remains of  Paracas culture, the place where San Martin disembarked and the great diversity of marine fauna existing in the area.  Paracas means sand rain in Quetchua. It was an important pre-Columbian civilization of Ancient Peru, from the period called Formative Superior or Early Horizon, which developed in the peninsula of Paracas, province of Pisco, Ica region, between 700 a. C. and 200 d. C. It is partly contemporary with the Chavín culture that developed in northern Peru. Much of the information on  Paracas comes from the archaeological excavations undertaken at Cerro Colorado ("Paracas-Cavernas") and at Warikayan ("Paracas-Necropolis") by the Peruvian archaeologist Julio C. Tello and his disciple Toribio Mejía Xesspe at the 1920s. It is now known as Tello called "Paracas-Necropolis" belongs to another cultural tradition,  Topará culture, whose center was located further north, in the Chincha valley.

The Paracas practiced a high-quality textile store, in wool and cotton, as well as decorated ceramics and a very elaborate basketry. They also performed cranial trepanations, whose purpose is still discussed.  Paracas culture is the predecessor of Nazca culture which it has an evident cultural affinity; In fact, for many specialists, the final phase of Paracas is actually the initial phase of  Nazca culture.

Julio C. Tello and Paracas Necropolis Museum
Named for the well-known Peruvian archaeologist who discovered many of the mysteries of the ancient Paracas culture, the Julio C. Tello Site Museum is located just after the entrance to the Paracas National Reserve, 5 km from the Paracas spa. It was founded by archaeologist Frederic Engel and summarizes 10 years of Engel's research, from the first inhabitants of Santo Domingo to the Nasca cultural period.

The Julio C. Tello Museum contains a small but instructive exhibition of ceramics and textiles that represent the evolution of the Paracas culture. The Paracas were experts in  mummification of their dead, in mummies you can see the peculiar practices of skull deformation and cranial trepanation. They were also great admirers of  trophy heads of defeated enemies that they placed in their armor to instill fear in their opponents.

Near the museum is the Paracas necropolis (100 BC-300 AD), which includes archaeological sites of Cabezas Largas (not authorized to the public) and Cerro Colorado. First explored in the 1920s, it is the oldest site discovered in the region. Tello discovered the burial sites that contain the excellent funerary tissues of Paracas, skulls and other objects-all the key elements in his revolutionary studies of the Paracas culture.


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